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Výzkumné centrum PEF

PEFnet 2024

9. 8. 2024

Call for Papers to the 28th European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students PEFnet - 21. 11. 2024


We are pleased to invite you to the


28th European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students - PEFnet 2024


organized by the Faculty of Business and Economics of Mendel University in Brno, this conference promises to be an enriching experience for doctoral students from Czech and foreign universities. The event will take place on the campus of Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic, on ThursdayNovember 21, 2024. 


The main objective of the conference PEFnet 2024 is to provide students of doctoral study programmes of Czech and foreign universities with the opportunity to present results of their research activities and get feedback and recommendations for further research from senior researchers and other conference participants.  


The conference will be conducted entirely in English, providing a global platform for the exchange of ideas and insights.



  • Accounting & Finance
  • Accounting & Finance - Special Section for Master Students
  • Business Finance and Economics
  • Computer Science and Information Systems
  • Economics and Economic Policy
  • General Finance
  • Sustainable Management
  • Marketing and Trade
  • Quantitative Methods



  • Registration opening: September 9, 2024
  • Deadline for registration and full paper submission: October 21, 2024
  • Deadline for payment: October 25, 2024
  • Conference: November 21, 2024 


The conference fee is 1250 CZK which includes conference attendance, a printed version of the Book of Extended Abstracts, a printed copy of the conference program, organizational costs, lunch and refreshment, social event. 

  • the fee is free of charge for the students (both part-time and full-time) of FBE MENDELU


Other important and detailed information is available on the conference website https://pefnet.mendelu.cz/.


If you have any queries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at pefnet@mendelu.cz.

We eagerly anticipate your participation in PEFnet 2024 and the opportunity to meet you at the conference.