Where to find us
Research Centre Employees
Ing. Hana Vránová, MBA
Head of the Centre
- work coordination and methodological quidance
- conferences and seminars' coordination
- project administration
- Managing Editor of the EJOBSAT journal
Ing. Andrea Prudilová
- secretary of the Centre
- secretary of IGA projects
- agenda of doctoral studies
Lucie Kamenická, DiS.
- agenda of doctoral studies
- habilitation and professorship procedures
Ing. Barbora Šiklová
- National Grant Schemes
- projects administration
- organization of conferences and seminars
Mgr. Silvie Trávníčková
- organization of conferences
- projects administration
Ing. Jana Smítalová
- International Grant Schemes
- projects administration
Ing. Dominika Charvátová
- projects administration
- technical support of the centre