The Research Centre organises two regular traditional conferences of the Faculty of Business and Economics:
ECOS: Economic Competitiveness and Sustainability
International conference Economic Competitiveness and Sustainability (ECOS) crosses traditional discipline boundaries and involves a wide variety of interactions ranging from traditional academic disciplines or schools of thought to the reality of business. Many of the issues discussed provide innovative ideas and combine the best academic thinking with the industry expertise development in financial services, public sector/government, information and communications technologies. The conference is held every year at the end of March.
PEFnet: European Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students
Each year, the Faculty of Business and Economics of Mendel University in Brno and coordinates the PhD Student Conference called PEFnet. The conference provides an opportunity for students of doctoral study programmes of Czech and foreign universities with the opportunity to present results of their research activities and get feedback and recommendations for further research from senior researchers and other conference participants. The aim of the conference is to bring young researchers and PhD students to share experience and original research contributions on selected topics concerning economic studies.
Other conferences organized also by the Research Centre
- 2023: The International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE)
- 2022: Final conference of the project OP VVV Podpora multidisciplinarity výzkumných programů mladých vědců (reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002333) in Brno
- 2022: conference „Food, Wasted Food and Future“ financed by the project TAČR (TL02000092) held at FBE
- 2020: touring traditional international conference Mathematical Methods in Economics held at FBE
- 2019: conference CES-SEAM - Czech Economic Society and Slovak Economic Association Meeting
- In the past years, there also have been organised so-called The Research Centre Conferences:
- 2017: EU 2.0: Challenges of Globalization
- 2014: What is Eurozone's Future: Policy Commitments vs. Freeriding
- 2013: Eurozone Future: From Crisis to Stabilization, Reform and Growth?
- 2012: Political Economy Of Eurozone Crisis: Is Fiscal Union Feasible?
- 2011: Fiscal Stabilization and Monetary Union Heritage of the Past and Future Challenges
- 2010: Financial and Economic Crisis: Causes, Consequences and the Future
- 2009: Financial Crisis: Institutions and Policies
- 2008: Economic and Monetary Union: 10 Years of Success?
- 2007: Economic Performance of European Union: Trends and Policies