Available statistical software
There are available various statistical software for students and employees of FBE MENDELU.
Information about selected software please find below.
FBE MENDELU has a network licence for 20 clients of programme Stata 17/SE.
In case of installation for an employee, please contact Ing. Hana Vránová, MBA.
Students can access the software via a remote connection, where they first need to connect to a VPN (instructions here) and then to a remote desktop (instructions for Windows here, for MacOS here).
STATA is available on computers with addresses
- vmkejchal02.mendelu.cz
- vmkejchal03.mendelu.cz
- vmkejchal04.mendelu.cz
STATA webinars - these webinars introduce you to powerful Stata features that can greatly improve your data analysis and interpretation work. Whether you're a beginner who wants to understand the basics or an experienced user who wants to discover advanced features, the webinars are suitable for everyone.
IBM SPSS Statistics is statistical analysis software that is widely used for reporting, analysis and direct decision support, business analytics, both for strategic decisions and for operational management. It can be connected to any database and is used both in one-off analyzes and in continuous process monitoring; serves to describe the situation and to support repeated or regular decision-making. Suitable for applications in science, marketing, human resources and research, for processing laboratory measurements and summarizing data from large and small databases of various types.
There are 20 concurrent licenses available at FBE, allowing 20 users to work with the software at the same time. The license server for IBM SPSS Statistics 28 is installed on the server mozart.mendelu.cz. The installation file can also be downloaded from mozart, the storage can be mounted via the Windows dialog box Mount Network Drive. The path to the shared disk is: \\mozart.mendelu.cz\amadeus, user name: wolfgang; password: on request from hana.vranova@mendelu.cz.
The installation is performed by running the .exe file in the archive named "IBM SPSS Statistics 28". When asked for the license type, select Concurrent user license. In the following steps, you will be prompted to enter the IP address of the server. In the field "License Manager name or Server IP Address" enter "mozart.mendelu.cz" and click on the Set button. Select other installer options as needed.
Employees of FBE MENDELU may install the programme IBM SPSS Statistics directly from Software Centre, if they have the access to it.
At Mendel University in Brno, a university-wide academic license of the MATLAB Campus-Wide Suite license is available. Under this license, all MENDELU students and employees can install MATLAB software and almost all its libraries on their home computers.
The Campus-Wide Suite license includes MATLAB and practically all its libraries. Every employee and every student of the university can obtain their individual installation via the portal https://www.mathworks.com/academia/tah-portal/mendelu-31494269.html
The license allows academic use; it cannot be used for commercial purposes.
The licence also includes access to online courses for all MENDELU staff and students. The 16 courses currently on offer range from short introductory courses of approximately two hours to extensive specialist courses on topics such as machine learning, statistics and more. Each course ends with a certificate of completion.
The license also includes cloud services: MATLAB online - i.e. MATLAB in a web browser without the need for installation, MATLAB drive - a 5 GB disk space for each user, and MATLAB mobile - for using MATLAB via a mobile device.
Visit https://matlab.mendelu.cz and at the very bottom there are instructions for installing MATLAB in English.
Software MAXQDA software in version 2018 is available at FBE MENDELU for employees and students of FBE MENDELU on the teacher's computer and another 14 computers in the classroom Q27 under the Department of Marketing and Trade. Furthermore, it is also available on 5 computers in the computer study room in the Q building. The software can be used for the processing of final theses or for your own research. Unfortunately, the installation on your own computer is not possible.
Statistica is a computing system with a friendly environment suitable also for beginners. The graphic design is related to MS Excel, the output can be implemented in the form of an MS Word document. The program offers a clear menu of methods for data analysis, all basic univariate and multivariate statistics are included. The output can be in the form of tables and graphs. A lot of information and practical tutorials are available at www.statistica.com. The university license can be installed on your own device for staff and students. Instructions [in Czech language] are available zde.
Databases and Data Sources
FBE MENDELU also has various databases from various areas of economic research. An overview of the databases is given below. If you are interested in obtaining data from any of the available databases, it is necessary to contact the relevant person. The acquisition and use of data is subject to an agreement with the relevant contact person and the possibilities of dissemination and use of the data specified in the contract with the data provider.
Morningstar Direct is a comprehensive platform that contains a lot of historical data about, for example, US companies or ETF funds. Fundamental analyzes for most American companies and basic indicators for some European companies are prepared here. The Morningstar Direct database is available to FBE students and employees at the Department of Finance upon contacting Mrs. Irena Marečková (irena.mareckova@mendelu.cz).
The Albertina database contains information on companies in the Czech republic and Slovakia. For employees and students of FBE is available at the following links. It is possible to download the database in one comprehensive Excel workbook or for easier opening in several separate workbooks of 200 thousand lines. The Link for download and the password for opening the archives will be provided by Ing. Hana Vránová, MBA (hana.vranova@mendelu.cz).
Beck online is Law Information System in Czech language.
Use this link to access the database.
CROWDSURFER is data platform for search and information about financial and investment opportunities.
Contact person: doc. Ing. Svatopluk Kapounek, Ph.D.(svatopluk.kapounek@mendelu.cz).
The ORBIS, Bank ORBIS and Insurance ORBIS databases contain information on 300 million companies worldwide. It is a unique source for corporate data, allowing you to compare companies internationally. At FBE MENDELU, the database is accessible from the Financial Laboratory in building Q, classroom Q24. Contact person for the access to the laboratory is Mrs Irena Marečková. The database is accesible through university VPN (manual here) and following connection to Remote Desktop (manual for Windows here and manual for MACOS here) of the computer with address q24.mendelu.cz.
You can use the User Guide while working with the database.
Share is a multidisciplinary international database containing microdata on health, socio-economic situation, social and family networks of respondents older than 50 years. SHARE now covers the 27 countries of the European Union and Israel. The Czech Republic has been participating in the survey regularly since the second wave of the survey since 2006. Full access to the data can be obtained free of charge. Information on data access is described here.
UK DATA Service provides access to the following data:
- UK census data (1971-2011)
- UK survey data
- Cross-national survey data
- International macro databanks
- Cohort and longitudinal studies
- Business microdata
- Qualitative and mixed methods data
Free access to the data can be obtained upon registration. The rules for using the database are available here.